The training session includes: - Introduction on Concepts, Stereotypes, and Impacts - Sex Discrimination Ordinance (SDO) - Disability Discrimination Ordinance (DDO) - Liability and defence - Preve... READ MORE
COMPETITION DETAILS Orientation Camp By Ng Wing Tung, Lee Ka Yi, So Ar Wou Joivia, So Charlotte Theodora and Tse Cheuk Ying of the LKS Faculty of Medicine Theme: Preventing S... READ MORE
RESULTS Objective The University is committed to creating, promoting and maintaining an environment of equality of opportunity for members of the University community, free of... READ MORE
The Equal Opportunity Festival 2021 will be held from September 24 to November 30, 2021, with the theme "Enhanced Protection under Anti-Discrimination Ordinances". A series of events, inclu... READ MORE