- Show Date: Yes
- Date: March 22, 2022
- Time: 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
- Venue: Zoom
- Button Label: REGISTER

Ethnic Minority Human Library: Opportunities and Challenges on Social Inclusion
Hong Kong is an international city where we can observe racial and cultural diversity. The government has been implementing policies to achieve social inclusion so as to make this place a home to people with different cultural backgrounds. We may think that there should be a lot of opportunities for the ethnic minorities living in Hong Kong, but is this the case in reality? Indeed, there are some stories of racial inequalities behind the prosperity and diversity. Ethnic-minority groups are facing some challenges due to racial differences which we may not know if we do not listen to them.
Equal Opportunity Student Ambassadors (EOSA) and Diocesan Pastoral Centre for Workers – Ethnic Minority Service (DPCW) are going to deliver “Ethnic Minority Human Library: Opportunities and Challenges on Social Inclusion” in EOSA Culture Week. DPCW is a non-profit making organisation dedicated to serve grassroots workers and families. By listening to the ethnic-minority service experience shared by DPCW and the real-life stories shared by two ethnic-minority youths living in Hong Kong, HKU students can deepen their understanding with respect to the areas of social inclusion, education and employment opportunity for the ethnic minorities in Hong Kong. In the week of March 21-27, 2022, we will have an Ethnic Minority Virtual Exhibition on our EOSA IG channel,HKUEOSA. If students are interested in knowing more about this topic, please do not hesitate to join our human-library sharing and stay close with us on IG!
For enquiries, please contact Sunny Chung at sunnycpy@hku.hk.
- DATE: March 22, 2022
- TIME: 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
- VENUE: Zoom