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Champion: Diversity in HKU acknowledge welcome respect (Description as the text on the webpage)

Champion: Diversity in HKU - acknowledge, welcome & respect

By: Wong Tsz Ching Ruby (Faculty of Arts)

Theme: Diversity and Inclusion

Brief Description:
Diversity is presented in the visuals - 1) Race: different skin colours 2) Gender identity: pink/ blue/ rainbow colours representing the two genders and the LGBTQ+ community 3) Religion: symbols representing the eight religions (Christianity, Hinduism, Taoism, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism, Shinto, Sikhism) 4) Culture: Different hand signs may have different meaning in different culture contexts This poster focuses on promoting the importance of diversity in our HKU community. The other entry of mine also adopts a matching design with this poster, combining to bring out the theme of “Diversity” and “Inclusion”.