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Show Date: Yes
Date: November 4, 2015 (Wednesday)
Time: 1:00pm – 2:00pm
Venue: MG07, Main Building, The University of Hongf Kong
Button Label: Register

Talk on "Knowing About and How to Prevent Sexual Harassment on Campus"

Talk on ‘’Knowing about and how to prevent sexual harassment on campus’’

Sexual harassment is not a joke. Whether intended or unintended, sexual harassment can have serious negative impact on an individual. Sexual harassment is an unlawful act which entails civil liability. Following the amendment of Sex Discrimination Ordinance that came into effect in October 2008, a sexual harassment act committed by any person that "creates a hostile or intimidating environment" also applies to educational settings. It is the responsibility of educational institutes to ensure that all individuals (including all students, staff members, voluntary helpers, contract workers/service providers/agents) are able to work or to provide/have access to services in a safe and sexual harassment-free environment.

Therefore, in order to raise the awareness of the Sex Discrimination Ordinance at the University, a talk titled ‘’Knowing about and how to prevent sexual harassment on campus’’ will be organized by the Equal Opportunity Unit on 4 November 2015. You are cordially invited to attend the talk.

The details are as follow:

Speaker: Mr. Jimmy Lo
Language: English (supplemented by Cantonese)
Registration: Click

About the Speaker

Mr. Jimmy Lo has joined the Commission since 2013. He has previously worked in the Policy and Research Unit in the Commission handling the Anti-sexual Harassment project. Mr. Lo is a qualified sex educator and therapist. He has extensive knowledge about the anti-discrimination laws and issues related to gender equality.

All are welcome.

  • 日期: November 4, 2015 (Wednesday)
  • 時間: 1:00pm – 2:00pm
  • 地點: MG07, Main Building, The University of Hongf Kong