- Show Date: Yes
- Date: October 27, 2023
- Time: 12:00 - 13:00
- Venue: Zoom (link to be provided to registrants before the event)
- Button Link: https://hkuems1.hku.hk/hkuems/ec_hdetail.aspx?guest=Y&ueid=90576
- Button Label: REGISTER
Web Accessibility Training
If a website is inaccessible to persons with a disability such as those with visual impairment, it may be a kind of disability discrimination under the Disability Discrimination Ordinance. This training by Information Technology Services aims to give users an overview of the concept of web accessibility and the essential elements in designing barrier-free, accessible websites for all people, including those with visual impairment or have certain movement limitations.
The following topics will be covered in the seminar:
- How people with disabilities use the web
- W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
- Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)
- Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme organized by the Hong Kong Internet Registration Corporation Limited (HKIRC)
- Benefits to organizations
No web design/editing skill is required for attending this seminar. All colleagues and students are welcome to join the training.
- 日期: October 27, 2023
- 時間: 12:00 - 13:00
- 地點: Zoom (link to be provided to registrants before the event)