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Photo: All Creatures Deserve Respect

Title: All Creatures Deserve Respect

By: Samiya Bi (Faculty of Arts)

Theme: Mutual Respect

Brief Description:
Regarding respect, we usually think of humans. However, I wanted to do something different and original, instead of the usual ideas. My mind wandered to this topic and it struck me that I might try this. I am a firm believer that God placed this idea in my mind. I decided to go out with food for the birds. And I was truly amazed at the amount of birds that gathered when I placed food for them. It even blew me away when I saw how quickly they ate it up. This picture is very special as it carries the message that respect does not belong only to humans, and it is something to be admired by everyone. The thanking language they use is unique though they can't speak nor understand our language. The way they were looking for more food after it had been finished tells me they were content. My heart melted seeing them. It's a message for all of us to spare few minutes a day for them. They won't post on social media thanking us, but they will be pleased. After all, God is watching.