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Merit: Little Red Riding Hood

Merit: Little Red Riding Hood

By: Lee Ka Yi (LKS Faculty of Medicine)

Theme: Preventing Sexual Harassment

Brief Description:
Have you heard? That the innocent story of red Riding Hood has another layer of the implications related to female growth and sexual harassment dangers, most of all, implies that girls are hardly safe on their own in the outside world. Unfortunately, this stands true in the society. Taking of the red hood, there are millions of little girls around the world who are at risk of sexual harassment, sometimes by someone close, and other times even without the knowledge of it because harassers take advantage of their innocence. In this photograph the little girl plays alone in a park, atmosphere dim and dangerous, yet there remains hope that one day such curation will be irrelevant; that the Red Riding-hood is just another fairytale; that this picture is solely depicting a girl playing with her Teddy Bear joyously; and that no one, be it man or child, should feel at risk of harassment when they’re alone.