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One world, one peace

Title: One World, One Peace

By: Lee Ka Yi (LKS Faculty of Medicine)

Theme: Inclusion and Diversity

Brief Description:
That night, everyone in this children’s home in one corner of ChiangMai gathered together with sky lanterns and fireworks, to celebrate the birth of life–changing memories during volunteers’ short stay. This lantern in particular, was decorated with drawings by children: depicting children and volunteers standing side-by-side, who are equal, and happy. Children and volunteers from different backgrounds held onto the rim of the lantern preparing to let it rise, as the fire from within the lantern lightened up the drawing and the faces of people around it. The sky lantern was an symbol for our friendship and determination for making change for the better. As it ascends, it brings along everyone’s hope for equality, diversity and peace; it brings along everyone’s hope for a bright future ahead.