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4. Merit Ngan Yun Ki JPG

Merit: Ngan Yun Ki 

Faculty: Faculty of Engineering

Theme: Inclusion and Diversity


The poster is colorful as it implies that diversity is present in the family of HKU. The fingerprints and the ‘open’ mean the uniqueness and welcome from every individual. Eye-catching font and color of words are chosen in order to attract people. By ending the poster with a powerful quote, I hope that people can rethink about how they treat people differently and whether this is a positive attitude.

The poster tries to emphasize two things, everyone is equal in the University of Hong Kong and we should accept the concept of diversity and inclusion. Opportunities are everywhere, no matter what your positions are. Through this, I hope that individuals in HKU can be brave to try new things, face challenges. They should grab opportunities that are foreseeable and turn them into possibilities. At the same time, I hope to raise public attentions about the diversity and inclusion in university. I wish that the poster can give them an insight and raise people’s awareness in diversity and inclusion.