This seminar covers the requirements stipulated under the Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme co-organized by the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO) and the Equal Opportuni... READ MORE
We cordially invite you to attend a talk on “Engaging Apparel as a Media to Care for the Needy” by Dr. Frency Ng, Director of the Care Apparel Centre of the Hong Kong Polytechnic Univer... READ MORE
“Inclusive Life – Show Your Different Abilities” – Sharing Session with people with disabilities and games event By Dialogue-in-the-Dark READ MORE
To promote a better understanding of the life of people with disabilities, the Equal Opportunity Unit, in collaboration with the “Dialogue in the Dark”, will present a sharing session... READ MORE
Seminar on “Web Accessibility” for general users By Ms Veronica Yick, Information Technology Services READ MORE