- Show Date: Yes
- Date: November 15, 2013 (Friday)
- Time: 6:00pm – 8:00pm
- Venue: K223, Knowles Building
- Button Label: Register

"Different Path, Same Way" Screening and Seminar
「異路同途」放映會 及 映後座談會
兩位男同志為達一生承諾老遠跑到加拿大註冊結婚,慶祝之餘不忘言志,他們訪問不同人士,包括前平機會主席林煥光, 批評本地同性婚姻法例的問題。
Two gay men have gone off to Canada to get married. They are committed not only to each other now, but also to striving for gay rights. They criticize the outdated ordinance covering marriage in Hong Kong, and manage to interview different people on this issue, including the former Chairman of the Hong Kong Equal Opportunities Commission.
- DATE: November 15, 2013 (Friday)
- TIME: 6:00pm – 8:00pm
- VENUE: K223, Knowles Building